Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy 2nd Anniversary

"Today, June 14th, is a day that will live in infamy."  

Sorry to paraphrase a line from the speech the FDR gave when asking for the declaration of war against Japan on December 7, 1941; but I couldn't help myself as I contemplated the fact that this is the 2nd anniversary of the the first post on "Just Blowing Smoke" blog site. 

That so much time has passed seems unbelievable to me. Sometimes it seems as though this only began yesterday, while at others it feels as if I have been doing this forever (though the latter feeling usually only occurs when I find myself once again at a loss for an original idea). With over 380 postings under my belt now and just over 30 columns for the Toledo Free Press besides, it has proved to be far more writing work than I ever would have envisioned. 

The experience has certainly been an interesting one however, as the efforts have provided me with the opportunity for me to share some my own wit (OK, half-wit), wisdom (don't say it), and quirky view of the world with many of you out there. It has also allowed me to meet some wonderful, intelligent, and fascinating people as well; both in person and online (though the 3 Amigos appear to be about to graduate from online to in person)

It has even provided me an opportunity that I never would have hoped for or expected, in introducing me to Michael Miller and Tom Pounds at the Toledo Free Press. The faith that they have place in me has permitted me to expand my audience and challenge myself further as a writer, and I will be eternally grateful for their continued support. 

Mostly however, writing on this blog has simply been a lot of fun, and something which I hope to be doing for many years to come. (For those of you who thought this might be my farewell posting, I can only say sorry.) I would therefore like to thank you to all of you who have shared this rather twisted journey with me. And for the many out there who have not (or at least, have not yet), I can only say ... oh why bother, they won't see this anyway.  

Now that I think about it, you would think that with all smoke that I've blown over the last two years that the view would be all but obscured by now (Hmmm, I wonder what my carbon footprint is?). So let me quit while I'm behind and close with a thought from the posting that I shared on the first anniversary of this blog. It is from one of my favorite writers Robert Heinlein, and still seems strangely appropriate.

 "Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterward." 


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Amigo Tim,

I sense that your writings (like mine are, for me) are a form of therapy, which keeps you from "going in this crazy world that we live in.

If this is so, then write on brother, and don't let anyone convince you to stop.

When it's time to stop, You'll know it ;-)

Timothy W Higgins said...


I believe that the postings in this blog are ample proof of my need for therapy. And its true that I don't write because I want to (though I do) I write because I have to.

I expect that the day will come when I feel it is time to step away from the keyboard and stop writing however, shortly after I attain room temperature.

Roland Hansen said...

Gee, Tim, two years? Really? My, how time flies. Congratulations. I hope to some day be able to match the quality your writing accomplishments.

I remember a phrase I heard a long time ago: "The poison pen having writ, moves on to write again."

That seems to apply to you mi amigo and also to Hooda Thunkit, Dave the Z amigo.

Now, let's three plot and scheme as we plod away in our quest to fight tyranny and injustice.

p.s. What do you get when you put together a Dane, an Irishman, and a Pole?
Give up?

Winky Twinky said...

A Well, Congrats on your two year anniversary!!! How many posts, my friend?? I'm coming up on 100 soon... yeah, new blogger smell 'round here... Anyway, I am glad that I found your blog, and I enjoy peeping in on a slice of sanity on a regular basis.... blog on...

Timothy W Higgins said...


The "quality" of my writing is merely proof of the infinite monkey theorem, and those monkeys don't come cheap these days. Your own writings have far more impact because of your knowledge of the ground, your perspective, and ability to say what you want clearly and succinctly.

We three will plod forward Mi Amigo I suspect (or at in the same direction. Sorry, I'm directionally challenged.)

Let's ride.

Timothy W Higgins said...


As I am sure you are finding out, blogging is a lot like life (as described by Woody Allen in "Love and Death").

"The key is, to not think of death as an end, but as more of a very effective way to cut down on your expenses. Regarding love, heh, what can you say? It's not the quantity of your sexual relations that counts. It's the quality. On the other hand if the quantity drops below once every eight months, I would definitely look into."

(Yeah, I know. So much for the sanity part.)

Keep posting, your perspective on the world is a truly worthy one.

Roland Hansen said...

In that you state you are directionally challenged, let me help you a bit.
Turn left.

Timothy W Higgins said...


You get to the same place eventually if you constantly move further and further to the right. ;-)

Roland Hansen said...

Do you mean that you would rather be right than wrong?

Timothy W Higgins said...


Not necessarily. I don't think however, that I would like to be the only one left.

Of course there is little chance of that he in Toledo, but I would want to take the chance.

Roland Hansen said...

Well Tim,

Whatever direction you go (as long as it isn't both ways) and no matter where you're a heading (meaning going to), take me along cuz I'd hate to be left out in the cold all by myself.

Sometimes, it's the journey, not the destination. None-the-less, our overall goals seem to be generally the same.

Yee-Haw! Giddy up!

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Despite all of the previous banter, always remember that 3 lefts always make a right.

And, if you choose this route often enough, you eventually catch on to the fact that turning right is almost always right and that turning left is the hardest way to get your right bearings...


Timothy W Higgins said...


As always my friend, you are right on target.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Amigo Tim,


Roland Hansen said...

Right or left, that is the question.

Look for the answer here!

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


"Right or left, that is the question. "

Can I choose from column "A" & "B" just like in a Chinese Restaurant?

After all, most reasonable people would choose from both columns for a more balanced meal/lif/etc...

To choose from only one column would indicate an unbalanced person, IMNHO.

Roland Hansen said...

HT Dave Z-
Bullseye. You're right on target.

oops - there's that right word again!

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


"Bullseye. You're right on target.

oops - there's that right word again!"

That was no misteak.

My reorientation plan/program is working...


(Or, is it YOUR plan???)