Friday, December 9, 2011

Vote of Confidence: Chapter 5

For those of you still brave enough to try and follow along with this effort, I can announce the next section of "Vote of Confidence" is now up.  It's been only slightly more than a week; but Chapter 5 is hot off the editorial table, only slightly more than a week after its predecessor.

I call this story, "A twisted tale of Life, Politics, and what some might consider cruelty to animals".  (Though in the spirit of full disclosure, I have to admit that the cruelty part is a bit of a stretch, since no actual animals were in any way harmed physically or psychologically" during the production of the story.)

I would love to tell you a bit about what's gone on in the earlier installments, or give you some idea of what's ahead, but that implies that I remember or know, something that might be considered a bit of a reach.  Besides, that would be giving away the plot, and as I've said before, there's not enough of one to spare. 

I encourage you however (since a writer likes to be read) to waste a few minutes of your life that I promise you that you will never get back to check the out latest addition to this effort, an attempt to serialize a novel on a blog site.


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