Friday, January 29, 2010

TFP Column: Saving the Ship of State

I know that I was delinquent last week in putting together a column for the Toledo Free Press, but I was feeling a little off of my game and felt that the TFP readership deserves a break from me once in a while besides. I did not want to get them used to doing without me two weeks in a row however, (as allowing such behavior can lead people to the belief that they can do without you all together).

This week's effort has to do with the city's almost $44,000,000 budget deficit. With it's CSI Task Force (gatherings which appear to be even less entertaining than CSI Miami), this group appears to be attempting to bail out the ship of state with a shot glass.

I don't about where you are, but it looks to be a cold weekend here in the Glass City, and I for one plan on attempting to keep warm while catching up on everything going on. (Perhaps it will help assuage the depression brought on by the State of the Union speech).


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


"Perhaps it will help assuage the depression brought on by the State of the Union speech"

Luckily, among the typical Hospital din I was able to sleep through most of it.

From what I've heard, I didn't miss anything new; Dems & Repubs playing their usual D & R games...

Timothy W Higgins said...


I'm not sure which is more boring, the State of the Union Address or the same old tired budget bandages being suggested by the "out of the box" thinking of the CSI Task Force.