Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nonsense, But No Politics

I sometimes think that I spend far too much time concerned with serious subjects and especially with politics on this blog these days. I have to tell you that it was anything but my intention to do so when creating this outlet for the nonsense that rattles around in my head. Instead, I was seeking a way to ease the internal pressure from a warped perspective and a borderline case of ADD that has plagued me most of my life in such a way that I neither annoyed nor alienated the members of my family. So I thought, just to break the mindless tedium of my everyday existence, that I would take this weekend's effort to stay away from politics or anything of a serious nature and simply comment of a few of life's interesting, intriguing, and confusing aspects.
  • Is it just me, or is every bar and restaurant in the world now carrying too many different kinds of vodka? I don't want to pick on anybody here, but most places carry more varieties of vodka than they do wine (red and white combined). I find this especially amusing and disconcerting when the producers of this particular form of distilled beverage have said that their ultimate goal is to produce a product without taste. If that's the case, why do we need so many flavors of the stuff?
  • Does wearing a bluetooth headset still make you cool? I'm as big a techno-geek as anyone out there, but I wonder if this one has finally run the course from impressive to obnoxious. I understand it of course if you are driving and using the headset to attempt to keep both hands on the wheel (yeah right, like that's going to happen), but just walking the halls of the office or the streets of the city mindlessly jabbering away on these wireless wonders seems a bit over the top to me. Quite frankly, I think that a lot of these non-stop conversationalists are faking the whole thing simply to try and look impressive (and failing).
  • Speaking of high tech, how many online groups must I join to maintain contact with family and friends? MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Google Talk ... when does it end? I have to tell you that I am spending so much time updating the information on my personal pages on these sites that I have no time left to actually keep in touch with the people that I joined the damn things for. And for those of you out there who want to send me another IQ test challenge, don't. Even without the test, I can tell you that my IQ normally falls within 3 numbers of my shoe size, and I have really small feet.
  • If global warming has occurred, then why am I still freezing my butt off in the middle of March? The lows overnight this week were still below freezing and the highs are still not making it into the 50's. At the rate that things are going, we'll be digging the Easter eggs out of the snow this year. This question is not a political one by the way, I just want to know when I can put my ice scraper away for the winter and sit out on my patio and smoke a cigar without getting frostbite.
  • Why is Nancy Pelosi trying to pass legislation to make it easier for newspapers to merge and thereby to survive? Aren't newspapers those evil corporate entities that kill thousands of trees (perhaps millions) in order to create a product which will most probably end up filling our nation's landfills? Don't get me wrong here, I need to have this group of organizations survive as an industry, but how does the Speaker square this new legislation with her strong environmental concerns? (OK, I let a little politics slip in ... sorry.)
OK, your turn. If there is anything that you want me to add to the list, please let me know. If there are any questions that you think that I might be able to offer insight on from my exalted perch (You know, like the quote: Even on the most exalted throne in the world, we are only sitting on our own bottom. - Michel de Montaigne), please feel free to ask. After all, I will be working on that Facebook update on the computer all weekend anyway.


Roland Hansen said...

I find myself trying to social network on the internet more and more as well. I don't know why, it isn't getting any more results than in real life. Incidentally, is it possible to have the results be less than zero?
Your listing of items in this entry might just cause me to list all my pet peeves and that's a mighty long list that will take more time than I have at the moment so I will let it go at that for now.
Oh, and I want to know who says that I rammble on and on and on and on?????

Timothy W Higgins said...


The problem with pet peeves is that like most pets, they always leave a mess behind. Moreover, like guppies, peeves tend to produce more peeves at an alarming rate.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Since you brought it up I feel obligated to ask, Why is Nancy Pelosi even breathing the air that someone of social value and relevance could be using instead?

Surely it's been at least 15 minutes..., even in female dog minutes.

As for social networking, I just turned down another relative's request to turn to the dark side, so my record is still intact.

Curmudgeon (that would be me) = 1

Social (well meaning) Networkers = 0


Timothy W Higgins said...


I too am perplexed by the continued respiration of Ms. Pelosi, among others, and terrified by it as well.

As for the networking, you are a better man than I Gunga Din. I was too weak-willed to stand up under the pressure of my children, a decision I may yet come to regret.

I realize now that socializing for a cranky old bastard like me is probably an exercise in futility anyway.

Winky Twinky said...

Awww..keep pluggin away at the networking can do it -- really!! As far as the global warming thing...all of us with half a brain know why THAT isn't happening... Nancy Pelosi--well, that's something else altogether! She promotes the hoax of global warming, as well as using up all the oxygen around...because she is so full of hot air!! Without that, what does she have?...Er, besides the best career and retirement plan EVER...and the power to help destroy this great country ....oh sorry, didn't mean to insert politics!! Have a great weekend!!

Timothy W Higgins said...


Thanks for clearing up my burning questions. The weekend will be much easier to enjoy now.

Now you do the same...

Ben said...

I think Vodka has peaked as the cool drink and you will be seeing less of it in the near future.