Sunday, December 12, 2010

TFP Column: Pirates of the DC Wetlands

It certainly seems as though Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy has been on a lot lately. From the election through the holidays, it seems like they are being replayed almost every week. 

Now since I don't believe in coincidences, I decided to try and figure out if there was a meaning to be derived, however subliminally, from all of this screen time. As I listened to the ongoing negotiations for extension of the Bush Tax Rates and unemployment insurance benefits, it all began to come together for me. The result of that realization and the anger that I began to feel as a result of the conclusions that I drew became a piece entitled "Pirates of the DC Wetlands" in the online edition of the Toledo Free Press. 

As usual however, there is a lot more going on in the opinion pieces in the TFP, with many of the usual players speaking out on both recent events, as Publisher Tom Pounds and Lisa Renee Ward have done; and editor-in-chief Michael Miller's piece on the anniversary of John Lennon's providing more historic perspective. We could all use a little perspective as the days remain cold, the snow begins to fall (both in Toledo and Kansas City), and the frenetic pace of shopping increases in the days leading up to Christmas. 

I would suggest that spending a little time catching up with all that's going on in NW Ohio with the Toledo's largest Sunday circulation newspaper might just be the way to provide it.

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